Tuesday, June 05, 2012


Happy Tuesday every one!!! ^__^

Summer is officially over! Rainy days are in as well as school days to students out there. Are you ready for school? Will you be wearing a uniform or do you still have to raid your closet for what to wear for school? Is there an upcoming special occasion?

Ahhh... I suddenly remembered one of my best girl friends from elementary. I invited them to my wedding last September. A few days before my wedding, I met with them to catch up and to hand them the invitations personally. While walking around the mall, the two of them were thinking of what to wear for my big day. We passed by a shop and my friend was able to see a pretty dress suited for the occasion. I saw a lot of nice pieces, too. But I had to stop myself from splurging that time - I am getting married and I better wait till the event is over. Hahaha! By the way, guess what shop that was? 

It's Get Laud!

To end the scorching Summer with a bang, Get Laud, one of the award-winning ladies apparel brands, is having an End of Season Sale, giving its customers up to 50% off on selected items.

Hurry! The sale will run from June 1st to June 17th 2012! ^__^

What are you waiting for? Shop now! ^__^

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