Poverty - it makes me extremely sad. Children can't go to school, can't eat enough, wear nice and comfortable clothes; Parents can't give what their children want and need, even if they want to. Poor people doesn't even have decent homes to live in. You see poverty everywhere. Sometimes, I secretly cry for other people's plight. I also feel sad because sometimes, as much as I wanted to help, I can't because I have enough. In the future, once I'm already settled, I will make a way to help our poor fellowmen. (Oh no! I'm teary-eyed now!)
Day 09: A Photo You Took
Excuse the under eye bags, I had been stressed before this pic was taken, and... I have been skipping my Garnier Under Eye Roll-on and Eye Cream that time... =D
I took this a couple of weeks ago, a few minutes before Honey and I went to Recto to look for wedding invitations. I chose this photo because he keeps telling me that he loves the way I smiled here. Actually, I was laughing at him when I took this picture. One of our flower girls slept in our place for a couple of nights and she loved putting on make-up. (Take note! She retouched my make-up here. She's good! And she's only five years old! =D) What made me laugh is that when she retouched my make-up, she was very careful, but when she put powder on Honey's face, she was wiping the sponge on his face in a tough way! Hahaha! XD
Day 10: A Photo of You Taken Over Ten Years Ago
Teehee! This was taken when I was in my Junior High School. This is my favorite School ID pic - the most decent I have! Hahaha! I only had to take a snapshot of it as I don't have a scanner. Hmmm... let me see... This was in year 2000. I was turning sweet (?) 16 at this time. Hehehe... Third year high school was very memorable to me because it's when I fell for my first true love. And that's the end of it, as well. But thanks to him, although it took me years to get over him, I learned to be patient in waiting for the right one. =)
Day 11: A Photo of You Taken Recently
I super love this pic. Make-up less face. I was only wearing moisturizers here. This is what I am really aiming for - soft, clear skin. My use of make-up lessened when I started working at home. I only get to wear make-up when I leave the house, like church, or going to the mall, or meeting some people, which is kinda rare. Hehehe...
I miss my make-up stash. I will try to use them this coming week. *Keeping fingers crossed*
Day 12: Anything that Tickles Your Fancy
Yes! Izza Baby tickles my fancy! I told Honey, when the time comes that we'll have our own baby, I am hoping that our little angel would be like this adorable baby. She barely have tantrums and super duper easy to take care of. She's a little sunshine, a cheerful little girl and a very cute cherubim! She doesn't give me a tough time taking care of her. =)
Trivia: Her name "Deiza Mei" was from me. I chose it very well. So, when the time comes that i'll have my own baby, you can tell that I will be searching for names at a very early time!!! XD
I finished reading the third installment of this series earlier this year and I have to say that I love it. I got the first two books as an exchange present in my first company's Christmas Party. My Honey got me the third book last year and I got to read it only on the early part of this year. If you are a fan of Mythology, you will love this story. In fact, I tried to browse online for a Myth similar to the "Daughters of Glass". When I have time, I will go to the library and make a thorough research on it. =D
As far as I can remember, I have not read any kind of novel that is based on real life, except for the History books that I had during my University days. The life of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, fascinated me. It seems to me that he was meant to be a hero. After reading about his adventures, I realized that, although he's a genius and known to be an intelligent man, he still has flaws, that make him human. =)
Life and history always make me curious... I always imagine myself living in the same scenario that I am reading about. I always wonder how life would be like in that time. I also wonder how it's like to be close to the people that I read and learn about. Gyah! I am such a curious cat! XD
Day 15: A Fanfic
For this one, since I don't like the fanfics that I read on http://www.fanfiction.net, I asked Honey a random anime and decided to pick in that category....
Me: (Looking at a list in front of the computer screen) Jagi, give me a title of an anime.
Honey: (While working on his new toy) Baby, what are you up to?!? Are you looking up for... Oh my God... Don't tell me! O__O
Me: (Giving him a cold stare) You green minded guy! No, I'm looking for anything like that! Look! I AM UPDATING MY BLOG! Just give me a title.
Honey: (Looked back) What are you up to? Hmmm... you already know the answer.
Me: Yeah, yeah! Which series?
Honey: Wing.
If you're wondering what we're talking about, it's about the GUNDAM SERIES, friends! =D
Honey's own Gundam Wing Zero, guarding his station in our former office... =D
So, I browsed the Gundam Wing series on the site above and what immediately caught my attention was this fanfic entitled "Marry Me" (I know, wedding season for me. Please forgive me for bombarding you with wedding related stuff! =D)
A/N: This is a song fic of a very beautiful song by Train entitled, 'Marry Me'.
Note: It's nice to read it while listening to this song...
I super love this song now... =)
Marry Me
a 1xR fanfiction
by Ines Kanoyan
Chapter 1 - Recognition
I have always felt that strong connection with her. Even at that time when my existence was solely for the purpose of destruction and all other things were only identified as a distraction, there was no retraction. I have always known that emotions were barriers to effectivity and so I have learned to master them and use them to my advantage. But, she had brought about this new sensation, something so strong yet so unknown.
For someone so sheltered and protected, she is beyond courageous and determined. Never caring about what others would think of her but she would do everything for other people. Her faith never faltered and her trust never lingered. How can I beat that? How can I deserve something like that?
Yet when she is near, never have I felt lacking. The look in her eyes always communicated her unyielding belief and her unwavering faith. I always felt that I was enough even when I knew for a fact I was the least person fit for her.
And so, I did everything that I could to make myself enough for her. To fight for her as it was the only way I could think of. To fight not with fearlessness but with every doubt as to whether I could stay long enough to be with her.
I wanted to be with her. No matter how long it takes. No matter what it would take.
" Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now, we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do "
There you have it! Day 08-15 of the challenge! I hope you can keep up with me guys. I am getting uberly busy these days because of the wedding but I'll try to give you a sneak peak of our weekly "achievements". =D
Please stay tuned!
PS: Leave some love. Please leave me a comment! ^__^
I just dropped by my blog to say "Sorry guys, blogging challenge is postponed."
I've been feeling sick since last week because of colds and now, I think I am suffering from low blood. Hopefully, I might resume the challenge one of these days. Sorry!
Please encourage me to continue blogging. I sometimes feel that I am alone in this blog. TT__TT
Take care, everyone! I'll try to fill you in with my wedding updates next time. =)
Sorry, I was so sick yesterday that I wasn't able to blog. Plus, my schedule was really jam-packed! Imagine sitting and teaching from 3pm to 10pm straight! Then I had another class at 11pm but the student was absent. TT_TT
Anyway, let's move quickly to the challenge! ^__^
Day 06: Anything that Tickles Your Fancy
Photo Credit
I was browsing the web today and I saw these cute fortune cookies... True enough, Marriage will let me annoy the most special man in my life. Hahaha! So, be ready, Honey! Because I'll torture you! Hahaha! And after that, I will shower you with my l♥ve! ^__^
As of now, I still don't know what's the secret to a happy marriage. I'll see what the above message mean... =D
Day 07: A Photo that Makes You Happy
You might be wondering what this is. You might say, it's just a big, ordinary bag. But hey! Inside it, lies my wedding gown as well as my entourage's fabric... =)
Every time I see it, although it's not sewn yet, I am still giddy because my dream wedding is coming true... I am hoping it'll be as perfect as it should be... =)
***Sorry for the late post, I am extremely doing my best to update my blog but my body doesn't cooperate at times... I hope you understand... and, if there is still someone out there reading my blog, please, encourage me to continue writing... =)
Yay! I'm glad I'm able to keep up with my blogging challenge! ^__^
I am actually sick now, but I feel better compared to yesterday. I wanna type and type about my wedding plans and stuff and share a lot with you but I am too busy now. =D
Anyway, let's now have the question for today:
Day 05: Your Favorite Quotes
I love quotes a lot for they us think deeply about some aspects of life.
Here are some of my favorites.
The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.
Good teachers are those who know how little they know. Bad teachers are those who think they know more than they don't know.
Beauty is not in the face; beauty is in the heart.
Kahlil Gibran
Beauty... when you look into a woman's eyes and see what is in her heart.
Nate Dircks
The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.
It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.
The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched; but are felt in the heart.
Helen Keller
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting - wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower and thank God for it is a cup of blessing.
Sorry for the delay, my Sis-in-law to be borrowed my laptop last Saturday. When she returned it, I was too tired to blog, because my fiance and I scouted for wedding invitations. I was feeling sick since Saturday.
Come Sunday, we went to the mall. We saw many cute shoes that would be good for my wedding. It makes me feel all giddy about it. ^__^
Kim Tak Gu's personality is so optimistic. I love bread and Korean culture. Not that I don't love Filipino culture, I love it, of course! I just admire Korean culture among others. ^__^
Watching Korean dramas and movies help me learn more about my students. =D
I am amazed at Mythology particularly Greek Mythology and things related to it. I've been reading mythology since elementary and I took it as part of my major in the University. I was even a part of a "live museum" way back in my University days and dressed up as "Artemis", the "Moon Goddess". Too bad, I didn't have any picture of it... =D
I'm so happy to be able to blog! Woohoo! I hope to keep it up!!! ^__^
April 1st. This post isn't a joke. I actually wasn't able to pull any kind of prank on anyone, even my boyfriend. Not that I can't, but I am a legendary prankster than him... Hahaha!!! I just didn't feel like doing so and of course, I wouldn't think of doing it to my students as well. XD
Well anyway, I've been planning to make a 30-day blog challenge for a few months now. Problem was, I really can't find the time to do so because I am focused on taking care of the house and the baby and most importantly, my job. Now that Izza is already 4 months old, and our former nanny (the first one I used to rant about - which is, by the way, a lot better than the others) is coming back, I guess I would be a little bit free to do some things. ^__^
Ah! It feels so good to sit on my little bed and hear the clicking of the keys on my keyboard. My eyes are a little bit puffy and feels sleepy already, but, I really want to keep my blog. It's one of my aims this year: to do my best to keep blogging. Besides, it's another way to let you know things about me. =)
So, what's the first question for today? It's...
Day 01 — Your favorite song
Hmmm... I cannot say exactly what my favorite song is. Let me think about it first. While I am at it, let me tell you that I am a music lover. I love Disney songs, love songs, pop songs, upbeat songs and even rock songs.
Let's see...
As of this very moment, I could think of a lot of songs. "Beauty and the Beast" is a classic, since it had been a very big part of my childhood... Same as "Part of Your World" and "A Whole New World" that both rhyme. =D I used to listen to my mom's old cassette tapes of George Canseco Songs like "Ngayon at Kaylanman" and "Ikaw", which, at the tender age of 6, I swore upon the cassette player that I wanted it to be sung on my wedding. =D
As of now, I usually listen to K-Pop songs. Songs from 2NE1, Orange Caramel, IU, SNSD, Miss A, and a lot more are dominating my laptop's hard drive.
My New Favorite! XD
Now... Let's pick which of them I love the most...
Yes. It's childish but it says a lot. I am like most of Disney's heroines - always wanting to find "something out there"... ^__^
That's about it on day 1 of the challenge. I hope to accomplish everything by the end of the month! Next challenge in line for the month of May is a "Beauty Tag". Stay tuned to it!
I am online most of the time and if you want to ask a question, you can tweet me or comment here. ^__^
Have a great weekend, everyone! ^__^
PS: I am in the hunt for wedding songs and music. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! ^__^