Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blogger No More

I've been gone for too long... a lot of things have been going through my head... Not that I am abandoning this blog, but, I guess, I lost touch of writing and expressing myself through writing and make-up. I want to continue running this blog but lately, I've been feeling so sick.

But, but, but... the make up inspirations that I see on my Facebook newsfeed is starting to tickle my imagination. It makes me want to play with my palettes!

I admire my favorite bloggers... They can keep up with blogging while they also go through their daily routines. I wish to have the same dedication so I could keep up with blogging.

Can anyone help me bring back my blogging mojo? I have so much to share, but when I try to face my computer to blog, I either get a writer's block, or other ideas would pop into my head.

My friend once said, "Do not lose touch of what you like doing. Continue living your dream and passion. It will keep you going and avoid you from getting burnt out."

I want to. I really do. Can someone inspire me? I can't even call myself a blogger any longer.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Angel is Back!!!

Why hello there, my little piece of heaven! ^__^

As you might have known, I had a plan to teach in the public school at the later part of 2012. And now, I have been teaching in one of the top public schools not just in Manila, but in the Philippines for three months now. It's a little rough, but I am enjoying it. Coping and adjusting will take a long way to go and for sure, it will be a bumpy ride for me. Yet, I hope that I am doing a good job in educating my kids. ^__^

2013 had sure been a wonderful year for me. I must be honest, that it was also tough for me. Career-wise, it was a big jump. I've been so used to the online ESL system for years. Imagine, I've been doing this kind of work for five years. Working full-time in a new environment was a total shock to me. When I went to the Division Office and they told me to report to school that same day, I wasn't even prepared! I'll write about this on a different post. *Writes down on a notepad* =)

How awesome was my 2013? Let me share it with you... Please click on this on the image to view. ^__^

One of the many highlights of my 2013 was when I got hired as a school teacher. I would love to talk about my adventures in school next time!

It's mid-week! Let's celebrate! ^__^

P.S: It's still taking me a while to blog more, but I am taking it one at a time. You know, school's really busy and all, and it is my first year of school teaching. I hope you all understand. Please do look forward for my future posts and reviews! ^__^

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